Loss of milk teeth, age, 4 years, symptoms, children, caries, teeth, dentition

Loss of milk teeth

When do the milk teeth begin to fail in children?

A few months after birth, the parents wonder when the milk teeth will grow.

It is very difficult to make a prediction about teething in children.

Loss of milk teeth
© fotolia.com

There are no applicable parameters to accurately predict how much time the child’s teething will take.
It is said that the children are born with all 20 milk teeth. They lie under the gums and are waiting to come out.

When does teething start in children?

First tooth eruption
This phase begins between the 4th and 7th month. Breakthrough of the first tooth is rare but not impossible in children 4 months of age. Teething is not uncommon in children aged 9 months.
There are even children who are already celebrating their first birthday and are still smiling without teeth.
At around 6 months, most children will smile with a single tooth.
If teething has not started in a child aged 9 months, you should consult a pediatrician for safety.

The final phase
This phase is reached when the first molars and incisors have appeared in the child at around 15 or 16 months.
Then the canines grow and finally the second molars complete the entire row of teeth. When the child is about 3 years old, you can take a perfect photo of a child’s smile with 20 gorgeous teeth.
In fact, the timing of teething is hereditary.
Therefore, both parents should try to find out when their first tooth broke.

Teething model in children

Children’s teeth – also called milk teeth or temporary teeth – appear in a fixed order. These are the different transition phases (from the development of the gums to the pearl-white teeth) that can usually be observed in children:

1) The first teeth that appear are the lower middle (inner) incisors that erupt between the 6th and 10th month.

2) Then the upper middle incisors follow between the 8th and 10th month. In some children, they can only appear after 12 months.

3) At around 9 to 13 months you can already observe the lateral upper incisors that break through to the left and right of the central incisors and thus form four teeth on the upper jaw.

4) When the child is about 10-16 months old, the lower lateral incisors (left and right of the lower central incisors) also appear and form a row of four teeth on the lower jaw.

5) Between 13 and 19 months is the phase in which the first molars can already be determined on the upper jaw. They are wider and appear in the back of the child’s mouth.

6) At 14 to 18 months, the lower first molars appear, which join the upper molars.

7) The gap between the upper incisors and the molars is filled by the (upper) canines, which grow at around 16 to 22 months.

8) Like the upper canines, the lower canines, which erupt after about 17 to 23 months, connect the lower molars and incisors.

9) Now only the second molars are missing on the lower jaw, which appear after about 23 to 31 months.

10) Finally, when the child is between 25 and 33 months old, the upper second molars can be seen.

At the age of 3, the child has a complete set of 20 temporary teeth.
A few years after the bit is complete (when the child is about 6 years old), the teeth start to fall out.
They fall out in the same order in which they grew, that is, they hit the lower middle incisors first.
Premolars and wisdom teeth only appear with the permanent dentition.

At what age do children lose their milk teeth?

The milk dentition consists of a total of 20 milk teeth.
At around the age of 6, the milk teeth loosen and fall out of their own to make room for the permanent teeth.
However, the timing can vary and girls usually lose their baby teeth earlier than boys.
Most of the last milk teeth fall out at the age of 12 or 13 years.

The teeth that appeared first are the first to fall out
The 20 milk teeth of children (which usually appear within the first 3 years of life) fall out in the same order in which they appeared.
Therefore, it is usually the lower middle incisors that are the first to fail at the age of 5 or 6 years.
Then follow the two upper central incisors.
As a rule, a milk tooth does not loosen if the permanent tooth underneath does not push it out. to take its place.

In some children the first teeth fall out at the age of 5, in others at the age of 7 years.
Most of the children who have had their teeth erupted earlier also have milk teeth earlier.
Sometimes children can lose a milk tooth prematurely due to trauma or dental disease (before the permanent tooth is ready to grow).
Sometimes the pediatric dentist then uses a spacer (a custom-made plastic insert) where a temporary tooth has failed too early until the permanent tooth is ready to break through to prevent future space problems.
If your teeth are lost prematurely, i.e. before the age of 4, you should consult a dentist to make sure that there is no illness behind it.

Some children can also live 7 or 8 years without a single milk tooth falling out.
Delayed cancellation is usually not a problem, but it is advisable to consult a dentist for an X-ray and an assessment of the situation.

There are people whose milk teeth do not fall out until they are adults, i.e. between the ages of 20 and 25.

Symptoms of falling teeth

The decay of the deciduous teeth is usually painless, but if the edge of a temporary tooth injures the child’s gums, the dentist can ask the child to move the tooth vigorously.
At the same time that the child’s baby teeth start to loosen and fall out, the molars take their place, usually at the age of 6.
The gums may appear swollen and some children complain of pain.
The tooth usually shakes for a certain period of time before it fails.
When the tooth loosens, the gums bleed a little. You can then tamp the gums with a cotton ball to stop the bleeding.
Some children can get a little fever.

Trauma can damage the tooth, break it off or even push it into the flesh. Blood vessels can be injured and the alveolus of the tooth can fill with blood, causing the incisors to appear dark.

The symptoms can be alleviated with ibuprofen (Dolormin), paracetamol (ben-u-ron) or topical analgesics.
When deciduous teeth develop caries, they need to be treated because they are more sensitive than the permanent teeth.
Many people think that you don’t have to go to the dentist because they fail anyway. But caries can lead to complications in a short time.
If the dentist considers it necessary, he can bring in a filling, carry out a root canal treatment or pull a tooth in severe cases.
The milk teeth are necessary to keep the space for the growth of the permanent teeth.
Even if a child complains of difficulty biting or chewing with teeth shaky or missing, a healthy diet should still be maintained.
If the child does not chew at all, you can try vegetable soup, pureed fruit and other healthy and soft foods.
Care should be taken to brush the teeth twice a day and help the child floss.

The regrowth of permanent teeth

After the milk teeth fall out, the larger permanent teeth form, which is particularly evident in the first to break through.
Most adult teeth are less white than milk teeth and have more pronounced ridges because they have not yet been used for biting and chewing.

Sometimes the new teeth break through before the old ones fail, creating a double row of pearl white teeth.
This is a temporary phase, sometimes called "shark bit".
During this time, dental hygiene is more important than ever.
This process will likely need to be closely monitored until the child is about 8 years old, and the amount of toothpaste required can be equivalent to an eraser on a pencil.
Some doctors recommend using fluoride-free toothpaste as long as the child is not yet able to spit it out well and the tap water contains enough fluorine.

The toothbrush should be replaced every two or three months to avoid harmful bacteria.
The child should go to the dentist twice a year.

At the age of around 12 or 13, most children lose their last milk teeth. At the same time, the molars appear at the age of 12.

Later tooth loss in children

If the child has not lost a tooth by the age of 7, you should speak to the dentist.
There are likely to be no problems, but the dentist may recommend an x-ray to ensure that all teeth are under the gums.
In fact, it is even an advantage if the permanent teeth break through later.
Because they stay in the jaw longer, they are harder and more resistant to caries.

However, this does not interest the child very much if he may feel that he is the youngest in the class (some teachers fuel this fear by classifying the students according to how many teeth they have lost).
Then you could say to the child: “Everyone is different. Just as some children are taller than others, sooner or later some children will lose their teeth. The teeth fall out when the mouth thinks the time has come. If they fail earlier, it is not good for the mouth ”.

If the milk teeth do not fall out in the correct order or if it takes more than three months between the milk tooth falling out and the permanent tooth erupting, there could be a problem.
Some options are:

  • toothless
  • Dental outnumbered
  • Problems with the mechanism of tooth loss
  • The tooth underneath is crooked and does not push out the one above it.

The dentist looks for all these problems during the child’s orthodontic assessment. The doctor can determine if everything is going well or if intervention to identify this problem is necessary (for example, the dentist can help move things by removing some temporary teeth). You should make an appointment with the orthodontist when the child is about 7 years old to get a specialist opinion on the growth and development of the teeth.

What should you do if a milk tooth fails prematurely

Some parents may think that the milk teeth do not need to be given as much attention as the permanent teeth of adults, because the milk teeth will fall out anyway. However, the temporary teeth are very important.
They allow the child to chew the food, speak properly, and maintain the space for future permanent teeth in the gums.

For example, if you lose a molar tooth prematurely (as a result of an accident or illness), the neighboring teeth of the missing tooth can slip into the gap and cause space problems as the permanent tooth grows.

Dental teeth afflicted with caries also need dental treatment, and sometimes special hospital treatment under general anesthesia is necessary. If neglected, temporary teeth with caries can cause mouth pain, tooth abscess, and problems with neighboring teeth.

Do not reinsert milk teeth
You should never try to put a failed milk tooth back into its cavity:

  • It could grow into the cave and cause difficulties when the teeth change.
  • It could damage the permanent tooth under the cave.

Save an adult’s failed tooth
If a permanent tooth fails, the following measures should be taken:

  • Find the tooth, only touch the crown and check that it is clean.
  • Rinse the tooth in milk or briefly wash under clear water if the root is dirty.
  • Immediately put the tooth back into the cavity. In theory, this should be done within 15 minutes of the tooth falling out. This maximizes the possibility that the tooth can be used correctly by the dentist. Note: You should not replace milk teeth as this can damage the permanent tooth underneath.
  • Hold the tooth in place. This can be done with an aluminum foil, a face mask or with your fingers.
  • If you can’t use it, keep the tooth moist in milk or wrap it in plastic wrap.
  • Then you should go to the dentist immediately. If too much time passes, the tooth cannot be saved.

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