Child and adolescent schizophrenia – child health problems – msd manual edition for patients

Child and adolescent schizophrenia - child health problems - msd manual edition for patients

Schizophrenia in children and adolescents

, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University

Schizophrenia is thought to be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and problems during brain development.

The youngsters withdraw, experience unusual emotions and often suffer from hallucinations, unrealistic thinking and delusions.

The attending doctor performs various tests to rule out other possible causes.

Antipsychotics can help alleviate the symptoms, and counseling helps affected adolescents and family members learn how to deal with the disease.

Schizophrenia is relatively rare in childhood, before adolescence. It usually begins in adolescence through the mid-30s, most often in the mid-20s.

Schizophrenia is thought to be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and problems during brain development during pregnancy and early childhood. The exact causes of these imbalances are not yet known.

However, experts agree that the predisposition to schizophrenia is hereditary and is not caused by lack of care or problems in childhood.

(See also schizophrenia in adults.)


Just like adults with schizophrenia, children and teenagers probably have:

Delusions (misconceptions usually associated with misinterpreting perceptions or experiences)

Madness of persecution, the fear that others wanted to harm them or controlled their thoughts

Symptoms tend to increase slowly in children and symptoms are more severe than in adolescents or adults. The likelihood of impaired thinking is also increased.

Adolescents can withdraw, experience unusual emotions and / or suffer from hallucinations, unrealistic thinking and delusions.


Assessment of symptoms over time

Tests to exclude other diseases

There is no specific medical exam to diagnose schizophrenia. The diagnosis is made based on a comprehensive assessment of the symptoms over time.

The doctor may also look for signs of other disorders that could cause similar symptoms. Such disorders include brain infections, injuries, tumors, autoimmune diseases and the use of certain medications (such as corticosteroids and many illegal drugs).

Did you know .

Schizophrenia is not due to lack of care or a problematic childhood.


Training of social skills, professional rehabilitation, psychological support and special education support

Schizophrenia is not curable, but hallucinations and delusions can be treated with antipsychotics such as haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone. Children are particularly sensitive to the side effects of antipsychotics. Adverse effects include tremors, slow movements, movement disorders, and metabolic syndromes (including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and elevated blood lipids).

The child has to be trained in the development of social skills and needs professional rehabilitation. In most cases, it has to be psychologically supported and promoted with special education; family members need counseling to help them deal with the disease and its consequences. The doctor almost always transfers the child to a psychiatrist who specializes in treating children.

If the symptoms worsen, temporary admission to the child may be necessary to adjust the dose of medication and to ensure its safe use.

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