Brushing teeth in babies, toddlers and children

Parents should practice brushing their teeth with babies, toddlers and children so that they do not get bad teeth. But what does proper dental care and brushing look like for young children? Here you will find valuable tips on when and how to start dental care in babies, toddlers and children and what you need to consider when brushing your teeth.

Research has shown that 90% of all school beginners have broken teeth. Two reasons are decisive for this: the sugar-rich diet in toddlers and poor tooth brushing or dental care.

Christina Cherry

Teething in toddlers

It gives you the feeling that after a long pregnancy, a painful birth, after the first six to eight teeth and many sleep-through nights, you have left the first exhausting time with the baby behind and slowly and slowly into a normal daily rhythm with pain-free days and nights to change, teeth appear again after a few months in the child. Not only in infancy when the small, pointed teeth pierce through the gums of the baby, but also the coming molars in toddlers demand many restless nights.

Christina Cherry

Caries in young children


An infant is the life and learning phase of humans up to the age of six. During this time, the little ones discover the many different things in the world, learn to speak and social role behavior also begins to develop.

But there are also many development steps on the outside. In addition to growth, they learn to walk, the motor skills refine and also the baby teeth break through. These are like the later ones permanent teeth, good and sufficient to maintain them until the natural breakthrough of the permanent teeth to obtain. But unfortunately they are also not in front Caries protected and can be attacked by it.

Christina Cherry

Cough syrup for toddlers

If toddlers lead under excruciating cough, this can be very stressful. Both for the children who are at night disturbed become and have a sore throat, as well as for the parents. Home remedies such as breast wraps and the usual cough measures are usually sufficient to treat a cough caused by a cold. But also cough syrups have their meaning and purpose. You get a few from us, especially when dealing with small children Tips, what you should consider on this topic.

Key facts at a glance

  • Cough syrups may help toddlers more when tried and tested home remedies do not work
  • The administration of chemical cough syrups should always be discussed with a doctor
  • Juices for irritable cough can help children sleep better
  • Stop cough syrup treatment on your own if your toddler’s symptoms don’t get better or worsen

How many years can I give my toddler cough syrup?

Most herbal cough syrups can already from the age of 0 years are given. Many chemical drugs can only be given from 2 years. It is advisable to ask the doctor or pharmacist about this and read the package leaflet. It says, among other things, how exactly you use the juice dose have to.

Christina Cherry

Healthy snacks for toddlers

Healthy snacks for toddlers. Since there are only three big meals left for my daughter (breakfast, lunch and dinner) I have been thinking about which healthy snacks I can offer her in between.

When there was still a lot of porridge, she often got a yoghurt around 4 p.m. a piece of fruit and often a small biscuit. At some point she completely refused the yogurt and I didn’t want to just give her a biscuit. Although she is quite tender and I generally have no problem with giving her sugar (in moderation), I do not want her to get used to the biscuit in the afternoon and eventually no longer accept healthy alternatives.

Christina Cherry

Yellow teeth in children & toddlers

Not only adult people have yellow teeth, children have one too

Discoloration of the teeth is not uncommon. In children, almost all classic causes of discoloration can be excluded. They don’t consume nicotine, red wine, coffee or tea – and yet their little teeth sometimes change color.

In these cases, dentists usually calm down, because it is mostly just a yellowish plaque. I would like to explain more about this in the following sections!

Yellow teeth and adolescent medicine: no whitening!

Even if that Milk teeth still bright white – As soon as the permanent teeth in children break, it can happen that these Teeth stained yellow are.

Christina Cherry

Five inexpensive activities that make toddlers fun

Five inexpensive activities that toddlers will enjoy

It doesn’t take much to inspire a child. In fact, it’s often the “little things", that play the greatest role in childhood memories: the mother stops at the side of the road so that the child can climb a tree, you can hop on a hotel bed, you splash wildly through puddles in the rain. And the best thing about it? Many of these amusements are inexpensive or even free.

With this in mind, here are a number of simple, inexpensive activities that will be remembered and that are sure to be a highlight in your child’s day – and yours!

Christina Cherry

Fever table: When is it fever??

Anna Beutel lives in Cologne and has worked as an editor at NetMoms since 2016. As a journalist, it is her concern to provide mothers and families with all the information that is relevant to them – in detail and with a lot of heart. Because as the mother of a primary school child and part of a patchwork family, you get to know the emotional aspects of family life up close, with all its ups and downs. For relaxation, Anna prefers to read a book or watch series, either yoga or bouldering with friends.

Christina Cherry

Fever in young children

Fever in young children

Fever in young children can be quite harmless. Before you go to the doctor, you should first rule out other causes. For example, did the child romp around in the last half hour? This can actually be the reason for an increased body temperature, and after a short rest it is fever disappeared again. There is another simple reason: dressed too warm. toddlers often cannot express themselves in such a way that they are understood in every case, and they may not even know the connections. The parents are asked. In this case, too, it is easy to remedy the situation.

Christina Cherry

First aid for fever - baby fever - fever for toddlers - first aid for the child

First aid for fever – baby fever – fever in young children

at child first aid

First aid for fever – baby fever – fever in young children

First aid for fever

Baby fever, fever in young children

In general, fever is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body.
If fever is reduced in principle, the body of the baby or child is given the opportunity to optimally deal with the disease.
Bacteria and viruses do not reproduce well at higher temperatures.
So the body can multiply bacteria, viruses and others
Keep pathogens within limits.

Measure fever correctly
You can measure fever optimally in the baby’s buttocks or on the outside
Ear canal. It is best to use digital thermometers for this.
If you measure fever in the external ear canal, the measuring beam of the
Point the thermometer exactly at the eardrum, otherwise it will be wrong
Temperatures are measured.

Christina Cherry