Peri-implantitis specialist knowledge, implanteer®

Peri-implantitis specialist knowledge, implanteer®

Peri-implantitis and peri-implantitis therapy

Protect your dentures in the long term

You have decided on an implant and want to keep it as long as possible. One of the most important measures is the avoidance of peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is similar to the periodontitis of the natural tooth. This bacterial plaque-induced advanced infection and inflammation of the gums may occur after implant surgery in the area of ​​the dental implant – the implant bed. In the initial stage, peri-implant mucositis – the inflammation of the mucous membrane over the implant – is said to be similar to gingivitis. The infection can spread further down to the jaw bone, which is then slowly degraded. The bone anchorage of the implant is increasingly destroyed and, in the worst case, the implant may be lost.

Bundling know-how in implantology and periodontology

Professional aftercare for your implants

Implant cleaning by trained dental hygienists

Protection from a peri-implant disease from the beginning

Painless step treatment for peri-implantitis in our practice

Implantology and Periodontics: Bundling of expertise is a success >

Optimal treatments in the field of implantology require specialist knowledge in implantation and in the field of periodontology. Because bones and gums form a unity that should always be considered as a whole. For a long-term good result, the implantation site in the jawbone must be very carefully defined – and the surrounding gums must be stable and healthy. If one of these criteria is not judged or misjudged, follow-up problems are not excluded. A dental implantation should therefore be carried out consistently by a specialist who is also an experienced periodontist and can offer the subsequent implant aftercare. Because the most successful concept of peri-implantitis therapy hot: consistent avoidance from the beginning! At Implanteer, you will only be treated by specialists specialized and experienced in both disciplines.

How to protect your dental implants in the long term

Almost always a peri-implantitis can be avoided by the optimal implant care. Those who are not so specific or who have favorable factors bear a low residual risk for the development of the disease. An early diagnosis is the A and O. Since the symptoms of incipient peri-implantitis usually appear relatively harmless and often cause no pain, it is often recognized too late. Regular checks in our practice are therefore very important. The depth of the periodontal pockets is checked and with the help of a so-called marker test can be determined within a few minutes whether a peri-implantitis is present or whether your implant is at risk. Early detection is also of great importance because peri-implantitis as well as periodontitis can harm the entire organism. Studies show an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke.

With consistent peri-implantitis therapy back to the healthy implant bed

With a minimally invasive step treatment in Implanteer, peri-implantitis can be stopped in most cases. The reduction of the bacterial load on the implant and the permanent destruction of the causative bacteria has absolute priority. First, the corresponding germs are identified. The bacterial deposits are then targeted and gently removed. Thereafter, the killing of the remaining bacteria by means of a local treatment with disinfecting solutions or with photodynamic laser therapy (PTT). If the infection is well advanced, a local antibiotic can also be used.

In a very advanced, severe peri-implantitis with already completed bone resorption, bone augmentation by a regenerative implant surgery is usually possible. The goal is to re-attach the dental implant firmly to the jawbone.

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Answers to the most common questions

How is the treatment of peri-implantitis going??

In the first therapy step, the corresponding germs are identified by means of a bacterial analysis. Then the bacterial deposits are targeted and gently removed. In this cleaning of the implant surfaces hand instruments such as special curettes for implants and rotating brushes and goblets are used. In order to achieve a safe cleaning effect even in the microwells of the implant surface, we treat the teeth as required with an airflow / powder jet cleaning. Modern airflow devices with special attachments also reach the area below the gum line without the gums having to be detached.

In the second step, the remaining bacteria are killed by means of a local treatment with disinfecting solutions or with photodynamic laser therapy (PTT). If the infection is well advanced, a local antibiotic can also be used.

In a very advanced, severe peri-implantitis with already completed bone loss, usually a bone structure by a regenerative implant surgery is possible. The resulting bone pocket is filled with bone substitute material to re-attach the dental implant firmly to the jawbone. Peri-implant bone resorption can be recognized by an X-ray. In addition, the peri-implant soft tissue replacement must be improved and optimized again. For this, we can perform a grafting of solid gums on the implant to achieve a more stable gum situation and improved cleanability.

What are the symptoms of peri-implantitis??

The symptoms and side effects of peri-implantitis are similar to those of periodontitis. These include:

At the beginning of the course of the disease (peri-implant mucositis):

– Sweetish halitosis
Bleeding gums or reddish discoloration of the gums
– Slight pain when touching the gums on the implant edge

A bone loss around the implant as well as a loosening of the dental implant have not yet taken place at this stage.

In advanced peri-implantitis:

– Bone pain in the jaw region
– Swelling or gum recession on the dental implant
– Acute inflammation with pus formation
– Bone decrease in the area of ​​the implant
– Relaxation of the end-stage dental implant

What are the causes of peri-implantitis?

The development and course of peri-implantitis is comparable to that of periodontitis, since bacterial deposits are also deposited on dental implants or implant-supported dentures. If these are not removed professionally and, above all, regularly, an infection occurs at the transition from the gum to the implant neck. An inflammation on the dental implant and the degradation of the jawbone are the result. See also: Periodontitis: causes, prevention and treatment

Are there any amplifying risk factors for peri-implantitis??

Yes, in addition to improper oral hygiene and inadequate implant care, there are other factors that can cause and promote peri-implantitis. These include:

– Heavy smoking
General diseases, e.g. Diabetes or osteoporosis
– An untreated periodontitis
– A periodontal history
– Taking medications, such as immunosuppressants
– Hormonal changes and prolonged stress

How can I prevent the development of peri-implantitis??

The most important measure is the daily home oral hygiene in connection with the optimal follow-up of the implants by your dentures. As a result, you can largely avoid the formation of dental plaque and the accumulation of bacteria. In addition, you should exercise the regular controls in our practice. Here, a professional implant cleaning by trained dental hygienists and recurring digital X-ray checks are performed. In case of increased risk, a marker test can also provide security. More about the marker test

Is the peri-implantitis therapy painful?

For therapeutic procedures that could cause pain, we work using modern local anesthetics. Thus, the treatment is always painless for you. If mild pain occurs after treatment, it can be controlled with conventional painkillers.

How long does a peri-implant therapy take??

How long the therapy has to be carried out depends primarily on the severity of the disease. Individual factors also play a role. We create a tailor-made treatment plan that also takes into account your time management.

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